02380 227692


Juniper Road,

SO18 4EG

Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 16:30

Friday 08:00 - 16:00

Weekly Round Up: 22nd April

Each week we will upload any messages and letters to the Weekly Round Up pages.

Week Beginning 22nd April 2024

Year Group Updates 

Year 3 

Trip to Winchester Science Centre

Year 3 will be visiting Winchester Science Centre on Friday 3rd May. Below is the letter with more information.

Winchester Science Centre

Scooter Skills – Thursday 2nd May

Year 3 have the opportunity to develop their scooter skills further through a training session with ‘Pedal Power’. Please see below the letter with more information.

Year 3 Scooter Letter

Year 6 

Leavers Hoodies

Below is the letter containing information on how to order a Leavers Hoodie for your child. Orders must be placed by 20th May 2024.

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies Letter

Whole School Updates 

Non-Uniform Day – Friday 24th May

We will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 24th May to raise money to help our most vulnerable children within the trust. Donations can be made via the Just Giving link below.
Please see the flyer below for more information.

May Half Term Holiday Course with Superstar Sports

Please see the flyer below for information about the Half Term Holiday course being run at Bitterne Park Primary school from Tuesday 28th May to Friday 31st May.

Clean Air Routes for Southampton Schools project

As part of the Clean Air Routes for Southampton Schools project, pupils at Beechwood Junior School took part in workshops to learn about air pollution and how it can impact their health and explored ways to protect themselves from these effects. The pupils monitored pollution levels on the streets near their schools, and their air quality data was used to create a map, complete with the pupils’ drawings of the area.
The map highlighted cleaner walking or wheeling routes that had lower pollution levels. Traveling on these lower pollution routes is a really simple way to breathe cleaner air and have healthier lungs.
Pupils were given a paper copy of the map to keep and use, and the school received a banner to display at the entrance to showcase their pupils’ great artwork and the cleaner air walking routes. Have a look next time you arrive!
Can you plot a low pollution walking route to get from your home to school?
This project is part of the Southampton City Council’s Air Quality programme which was funded by DEFRA. Please see https://soton.cc/schoolscleanair for information on all the work being done with clean air schools Southampton.