Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday. We hope that the children had a good rest and are ready for the term ahead.
Before half term, in English we will using the books Hidden Figures and Percy Jackson as our texts. We will continue to work through the maths curriculum beginning with division and then moving onto fractions. In Geography we will be studying urban environments in North and South America. In PSHE we will be learning about physical contact and boundaries as well as medicines. In RE we will be looking at Stewardship and Creation. In Science we will be looking at life cycles. In Computing we will be learning about online identities as well as continuing to write algorithms. In DT we will be making seasonal soups. If you would like to know more about what we will be learning in school this term our Curriculum Maps are available on the school website.
Spring Year 5 – Beechwood Junior School
PE lessons will be on a Tuesday and either a Thursday or a Friday this term. It’s currently 5G and 5M on a Tuesday and Thursday, and 5B on a Tuesday and Friday. Please remember, that on our PE days children need to come in wearing PE kit that consists of a plain colour t-shirt and dark coloured bottoms. If you child has long hair, please ensure it is tied back.
With regards to what you can do at home to support your child’s learning, we encourage as much reading as possible. If you can hear your child read and record it on Boom that would be great. We would also encourage regular practice of times tables, and also practise telling the time using both analogue and digital clocks if your child is not yet confident.
Below is the topic homework for this term. We cannot wait to see what exciting projects the children produce. The children can present their work however they want – the aim is to get creative! If you need to send in your homework via email, please make sure your teacher is expecting to receive it so they can check all files.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher. Thank you for your ongoing support. We are excited for the term ahead!
Best wishes,
The Year 5 Team
Year 5 Spring 1 Curriculum Homework – Due in Monday 5th February
D.T. – Seasonal soups
Our D.T. topic this half term is seasonal soups. We would like you to research different recipes for soups. You might find these online, in magazines or in books. Often supermarkets have free magazines with lots of recipes.
You could then:
- Create a scrap book of different recipes.
- Make one of the recipes, and take video or photos (make sure you ask parents’ and carers’ permission first)
- Create your own seasonal soup recipe and write the instructions for how to make it.
Year 5 Spring 2 Curriculum Homework – Due in Monday 25th March
History Study
The Ancient Greeks – choose one aspect and present your research in an interesting way.
You could:
- Find out about Greek gods and goddesses.
- Research the ancient Olympic Games.
- Create a biography of a famous ancient Greek e.g. Alexander the Great or Aristotle.
- Retell a Greek myth or create your own version of a Greek myth.