At Beechwood we have 5 members of staff (Miss Baker, Mrs Phillips, Mrs Street, Mrs Furby and Mrs Hamilton) who have all completed their Dragonfly training and are now Dragonfly Champions.
You can see who they are as they all wear a dragonfly pin badge on their lanyards.
Dragonfly champions are trained to provide a listening ear and a link to domestic abuse support agencies so that isolated people can access help. If you feel you need support, help or someone to listen to you a Dragonfly Champion can be that person. They are also able to ensure you get the help and support you need.
Our school is a safe place to talk. Domestic abuse affects 1 in 5 families and can occur in different forms: physical, sexual, violent or threatening behaviour, controlling or coercive behaviour, economic abuse and psychological or emotional abuse. If you experience or know someone who is experiencing domestic abuse, look for an adult with a dragonfly or ask any adult for a dragonfly meeting and we will ensure you are listened to and supported by a trained champion.
For more information see this leaflet from the Dragonfly Project.