02380 227692


Juniper Road,

SO18 4EG

Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 16:30

Friday 08:00 - 16:00

Wraparound Care

Beechwood Wraparound Care

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs in the school dining room from 7.30am until the start of the school day at 8.45am. Sessions do not need to be pre-booked.

Sessions cost £3.50 per child (£6.00 for 2 siblings).  A variety of breakfast is provided.

Children attending the club should enter the school building from 7.30am onwards via the doors leading from the car park and then into the dining room where they will be met by the Breakfast club staff. Payment can be made in advance or on the day and should be made online via MCAS and we also accept various childcare vouchers. Payment will be deemed to be late if not paid by the Monday of the next school week.

If your child has not attended Breakfast Club previously we will require an up to date emergency contact form to be completed.

Please contact the school office if you have any queries.

Tel: 023 8022 7692 or email: info@beechwoodjuniorschool.co.uk

Afterschool Club : 360 Degree Sports Coaching

Our Afterschool club is run by an external company, 360 Degrees Sports Coaching. To register and/or book a place for your child please click on to the booking page here. Sessions must be pre-booked online.

Sessions run in the dining hall from 3.25pm until 6pm each day (multiple sessions are available – for more information register on the link above) . Children attending sessions should go directly to the dining hall at the end of the school day where they will be met by the 360 Degree Sports Coaching staff. At the end of the Session children should be collected via the red doors leading to the car park. Please press the door bell to alert the staff that you have arrived.

For any queries please contact 360 Degree Sports Coaching directly: email info@360degreesportscoaching.com