02380 227692


Juniper Road,

SO18 4EG

Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 16:30

Friday 08:00 - 16:00

SEND information

Beechwood Junior School is a fully inclusive and accessible school where every pupil is treated and provided for as an individual.


Beechwood Junior School – A member of the Edwin Jones Partnership

If you have any questions about any information in this report please contact:

Lucy Baker – SENCo lucybaker@beechwoodjuniorschool.co.uk


SEND Information Report 23-24

SEND Policy Sept.23-24


SEND – Complaints

The school follows an agreed complaints procedure and this will be followed for any complaints that relate to children with SEND.

If you have a query or complaint regarding your child and their special educational need please initially talk to the class teacher/phase leader. This query will then be discussed and resolved or passed on to the SENDCO.  Our SENDCO welcomes working with parents / carers and, as such, is always happy to meet to discuss needs and provision.

If you remain concerned or you still need further support please contact the Headteacher or governing body via the school office.


For further information about the Southampton City Council local offer please follow the link below:



Abbreviations used in this report:

SEND – Special Educational Needs or Disability

SENCo – Special Educational Needs Coordinator