Each week we will upload any messages and letters to the Weekly Round Up pages.
Year Group Updates
Year 5 & 6
Whole School Updates
Please take the time to read our Autumn term Attendance Newsletter that was sent home with your child this week. There have been some important statutory changes, particularly regarding Fixed Penalty Notices for unauthorised absences.
Macmillan Cake Sale
We will be holding a cake sale after school on Friday 27th September to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support Charity. We would be grateful for any donations which should be brought into school on the morning of the cake sale. Please ensure that a list of ingredients is provided if the cakes are homemade, in case of allergies.
Calling All Crisp Lovers – Can you help Mrs Hamilton!
Update from Mrs Hamilton.
Thank you all so much for bringing in your empty crisp packets. We have already collected approximately 1300 packets!!
Let’s keep going and see how many we can collect by 3rd December!
For our new parents who may not be aware, Mrs Hamilton is on a mission to collect empty crisp packets.
Did you know it takes 80 years for a crisp packet to decompose?
Did you know that 150 of them can be ironed together and turned into a survival blanket for a homeless person and will help to keep their sleeping bag dry and insulated?
An excellent cause, called Iron man survival blankets, are collecting crisp packets and will be making these blankets and we would love your help.
Please can you bring any empty crisp packets into school. Mrs Hamilton has a box in the nurture room where the packets are being collected until 3rd December.