Year Group Updates
Year 4
Trip to Mayflower Theatre to see Aladdin – September 2024
Below is the letter containing information on next years Year 5 trip to the Mayflower Theatre to watch Aladdin on Thursday 12th September. Please ensure that you have returned the permission slip to the school office by 19th July.
Year 6
Whole School Updates
Mrs Hamilton is on a mission to collect empty crisp packets.
Did you know it takes 80 years for a crisp packet to decompose?
Did you know that 150 of them can be ironed together and turned into a survival blanket for a homeless person and will help to keep their sleeping bag dry and insulated?
An excellent cause, called Iron man survival blankets, are collecting crisp packets and will be making these blankets and we would love your help.
Please can you bring any empty crisp packets into school. Mrs Hamilton has a box in the nurture room where the packets are being collected until 3rd December.
Summer Holiday Camps
Our after school club provider 360 Degree Sports Coaching will be running Summer Holiday Camp sessions from 29th July until 23rd August here at Beechwood.
Please see below for further details.
Superstar Sports are also running Holiday Courses at other sites in Southampton.
There are also Holiday Activities at Stubbington Study Centre.